Thanks to all Volunteers

April 18th, 2012

Accent Inn Pink in the Rink team 2012

Accent Inn Pink in the Rink team 2012

This week (April 15 –21) is National Volunteer week.

This really touches home for Accent Inns. We are privileged to work with  so many non-profits, associations and groups that are supported either wholly or in part by volunteers.  Even closer to home is how often our very own team members are out there contributing their time, sometimes for an Accent Inn initiative but often just of their own accord.

Vancouver Airport hotel Group Sales Mgr Donna raising funds for SOS

Group Sales Mgr Donna raising funds for SOS




My guess is that many of us just don’t realize how often we are “touched” by the efforts of a volunteer. It may be through your church or temple, the folks who help you unload at the local food bank, your fire dept.,local symphony’s or galleries, your child’s team coach, folks you see at the hospital or hospice, the local playground or theatre may have been funded by efforts of fundraising volunteers, museums and info centers often are partly staffed by volunteers, local animal rescue organizations such as the BC SPCA have great support from volunteers, much of the funds for medical research (cancer, kidney, heart and more) are raised via the efforts of volunteers, camps for children (healthy or ill) are often supported by volunteers, environmental protection and even business organizations such as the Chambers of Commerce are often part or all supported by volunteers.  These are just a few but I know if you take a look you’ll find that there’s not many parts of our lives that some how or in some way are not touched by or supported by volunteers.

Ross and Terri part of the road crew robin holden teaching charities

*above – Ross Dunn of Stepforth web marketing, Terri Davies of Sociability (left pic) and Robin Holden  of the Source Group (right pic) have volunteered their time (traveled around BC) for several years teaching non-profit groups online and business skills as part of the Accent Inn Charity and Changing Times seminars.

We live in a wonderful society where if you have a passion, I’m sure you can find an group that could use your muscle’s, your experience, your expertise or just someone to hold out that caring hand.


Let’s take time  to say thanks to those that give of their time and to those organizations that allow us to share and give back to others.