Victoria BC is in full Bloom!

March 6th, 2010

The Butchart Gardens helps lead Victoria BC's flower count

21 Billion Blooms in 2010

Victoria, B.C. –  The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce,  Butchart Gardens and Tourism Victoria have once again teamed up to record the scene at one of the World’s best Bloomin’ cities. The total number of blooms counted in the Annual Greater Victoria Flower Count was 21,691,666,716.  Oak Bay was the leading Municipality with over 14 billion blooms followed by Victoria with almost 5 billion blooms.  The winning class was Ms L Westby’s class from Willows Elementary and they win a trip to Butchart Gardens.

Greater Victoria is one of the best places on the planet to live work and play. The annual flower count is a testament to the wonderful climate and community spirit. Truly a gold medal performance by Mother Nature this year!

Having our “roots” firmly planted here in Victoria, Accent Inns, BC’s family owned hotel chain, has always believed that the exterior and landscaping of our buildings is just as important as the inside of our rooms. Keeping our properties green and colorful is a big part of who we are and doing our part to add flowers to the Victoria area just seems natural. “The great comments we receive from our international and local visitors on seeing our gardens and hanging baskets is wonderful”, said John Espley Business Development Manager Accent Inns.

Accent Inn BC Hotel's Hanging baskets

The Greater Victoria Flower Count is a light-hearted event meant to promote Victoria as an attractive shoulder-season holiday destination. Citizens across the municipality are invited to count their blossoms and report their count.

Accent Inns is proud to actively support our local Victoria organizations.  Accent Inns currently has board representation on both Tourism Victoria (Mandy Farmer) and the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce (John Espley)

Accent Inn Victoria BC Hotel

What a great time to visit Victoria and the island. Check out this wonderful Video Flowers in Victoria BC