The Top 5 Things To Do on Vacation in BC
July 21st, 2010

Explore BC by taking a road trip
1) Go on a road trip with no plans at all. Don’t make one hotel reservation, green fee, or concrete plan… just wing it! Who knows where you will end up, the people you will meet, the places you will see?
2) Rent a jet ski. No expertise or experience needed, just hop on and throttle it! Best place to do this? Kelowna. Then go for drinks on an outdoor patio, bask in the sun, and take a leisurely walk back to the Kelowna Accent Inn, 10 minutes away. Ahhhh, summer!
3) Take a dinner cruise on BC Ferries. I’m not kidding! The buffet on a BC Ferry is actually quite stunning as you enjoy the view from your window table while the boat meanders through the Gulf Islands. They’ve also now got a new and much improved dessert buffet which has high quality desserts such as Florentines, caramels, cheesecakes, cupcakes and even more delectables that I didn’t have room for (don’t worry, I’ll go back). It’s actually affordable especially if you have children (they eat free 5 & under). And, the best part? I got a top notch manicure and pedicure in their spa!
4) Eat, eat and eat! You are allowed to eat anything on vacation, right? Diets go out the window, so take full advantage.
My highlights:
- A Rocky Mountain caramel apple dipped in white chocolate- oh my goodness. Perfect while strolling Government St. in Victoria and Robson Street in Vancouver. Hey, it’s an apple, what does the doctor say?
- Wannawafel in Market Square in Victoria or Café Medina in downtown Vancouver. You have never eaten such chewy, tasty treats dipped in luxurious toppings such as Belgian chocolate or vanilla ice cream. They are reason enough to go on vacation.
- Speaking of ice cream… Roger’s Chocolates just opened an old fashioned Soda Shoppe in downtown Victoria. Perfect for milkshakes, real Italian soda with syrup, waffle cones… all made with the finest of ingredients in the coolest of cool historic locations.
- The Pour House in Vancouver takes everyday staples such as mac and cheese, pork and beans, and turns them into gastronomic culinary achievements in a hip restaurant in the heart of Gastown in Vancouver. Lick your fork – there’s pie!
- Well, since we are speaking of pie, I must mention the fabulous pizza pie that Pizzeria Prima Strada serves up in Victoria. Have you read Eat, Pray, Love? The author travels to Italy and discovers REAL pizza which changes her life forever. This is the pizza that I’m talking about. It’ll change your life.
- We are on a roll here! When can you justify eating this heavenly but extremely fattening Canadian delicacy, except while on vacation? Bin 4 Burger Lounge, now we’re talking! their burgers are darn good (local flavours with premium ingredients – it sure makes a difference).
5) And the last thing to do on vacation in BC? A good work out. Yeah, just even reading that list of sinful food adds a couple pounds. So pack your runners and go for a power walk or run along Victoria’s Dallas Road admiring the vista of the Olympic Mountains, the boat traffic in the Strait of Georgia and the never dull people watching. Run/walking around Stanley Park or the seawall in Vancouver isn’t too shabby either. And the best part is you can probably eat your waffle cone or caramel apple as you power walk on by!
Just remember, no matter where you spend your time there is a good chance a Accent Inns BC Hotel is nearby to be your home away from home.