Prevent the sexual exploitation of youth

April 20th, 2010

Sexual exploitation has no borders

Help Stop the sexual exploitation of youth

In February 2010, the Accent Inn Victoria hotel helped the Capital Region Action Team for Sexually Exploited Youth (CRAT) bring Taking Care of Ourselves, Taking Care of Others (TCO2) to Victoria area students.  TCO2 is a unique and empowering interactive workshop designed and delivered by youth, for youth about preventing sexual exploitation.  Students learn about the issue, learn how to identify predators, recruiters and lurers as well as learning where they can get help within the Greater Victoria area.  More than 1600 students within the Greater Victoria area were able to benefit from these presentations.

Although CRAT received a modest amount of money to bring TCO2 to Victoria, it was not enough to cover all the costs.  Accent Inns helped by providing free accommodation to the three youth who delivered the workshops, saving CRAT over $1000.  Without the support of Accent Inns, TCO2 would probably have been unable to reach as many students as they did.

The Capital Region Action Team for Sexually Exploited Youth (CRAT) was formed in 1998 by  Victorians who were increasingly concerned about the number of youth (under 19) who were being sexually exploited.  CRAT consists of agencies, individuals, government representatives from all levels, educators, former sex trade workers, Police and street workers who work with sexually exploited youth.  The sexual exploitation of youth can take many forms, including

trading sexual favours for food, shelter or drugs

  • making money for pimps in exchange for drugs or the “good life”
  • being lured on the internet.

CRAT meets to raise awareness about this issue and

to provide parents, youth and educators with information to help youth avoid becoming sexually exploited

  • to identify gaps in services designed to help youth avoid sexual exploitation, and
  • to help youth exit a life of sexual exploitation.

For more information on CRAT, visit our website

For more information on TCO2, visit their website