Pacific Salmon Fund Donations Will Be Matched!

November 9th, 2011

Help the pacific Salmon Foundation save the Salmon

Help PSF save the Salmon

As a key partner in Accent Inns fish for the future program we are excited to re- post this great opportunity to support the Pacific Salmon Foundation. Thanks must also go to the Victoria Foundation for their incredible support.

After you’ve read the post below learn more about Accent Inns Fish for the Future program and how you can support the Pacific Salmon Foundation all year round just by reserving at Accent Inns in B.C., follow the link or go to  

Re-post from the Pacific Salmon Foundation:

Donate to the Pacific Salmon Conservation Fund and Your Donation Will Be Matched!

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, the Victoria Foundation is hosting the 75-Hour Challenge – an opportunity to strengthen the Pacific Salmon Conservation Fund, a Victoria Foundation endowment started by the Pacific Salmon Foundation to augment our funding to volunteer groups on Lower Vancouver Island. The Victoria Foundation will distribute matching donations from a $75,000 Challenge Fund based on how much our donors give in the 75 hours between 9:00 a.m. Nov. 15 and noon on Nov. 18.

The Pacific Salmon Conservation Fund was established as a Victoria Foundation endowment in 2005 to augment our activities on Lower Vancouver Island, where we have made grants totaling $1.6 million to 235 Pacific salmon projects since 1991. This is part of $9 million provided province-wide to more than 1,200 projects, which was leveraged locally for total impact of $64 million thanks to the work of 35,000 volunteers. Even with this great result, each year we are only able to fund half of the qualified Pacific salmon projects that apply to us for funding

Goldstream Volunteer Salmonid Enhancement Association is representative of the outstanding volunteer groups we support on Lower Vancouver Island. The group has received ten grants during the last eight years, including $17,257 last year for expansion of its hatchery tank capacity. Community hatcheries like that on the Goldstream are important because they help maintain the Pacific salmon abundance needed for environmental, economic and cultural well being.

Simply put, volunteer-driven hatcheries like the Goldstream support Pacific salmon production. There is probably no better example of its importance than last year’s accident on the Malahat Highway where a tanker truck rolled over and spilled fuel into the Goldstream River. Regrettably, it appears that this year’s coho and Chinook runs have suffered. But there is hope for future recovery because of the existence of the Goldstream Valley Salmon Enhancement Association and the commitment of the volunteers who work at the group’s hatchery. Imagine what would happen were there no volunteers to pick up the pieces and keep going after this type of environmental catastrophe?

We see the Victoria Foundation 75-hour challenge as an excellent opportunity to expand the investment we make in local projects like the Goldstream Hatchery. We hope you agree and will consider making a donation to the Pacific Salmon Conservation Fund during the 75 hours between 9:00 a.m. November 15 and noon on November 18.

Ways of Giving in the 75-Hour Challenge:


All cheques should be made payable to the Victoria Foundation for Pacific Salmon Conservation Fund in the memo line. Cheques may be mailed or delivered to the Victoria Foundation (#109 – 645 Fort St., Victoria, B.C., V8W 1G2) and must be received between 9:00 a.m. Nov. 15 and noon Nov. 18 to qualify for the Challenge Fund.

Credit Cards

Call the Victoria Foundation at 250.381.5532 to make a gift by VISA or Mastercard.


Donate online through – click on the “Make a Donation” button and follow the steps through our CanadaHelps page. Please make sure to dedicate your donation to the Pacific Salmon Conservation Fund. Note that the CanadaHelps administration fee of 3.9% will be deducted before the gift is added to the organization’s fund.

Donation Receipts

Pacific Salmon Foundation

Pacific Salmon Foundation protecting our resource


All gifts of $10 or more will be receipted to the donor. Donors who support the 75-Hour Challenge through CanadaHelps will receive an instant tax receipt. All other gifts will be receipted by the Victoria Foundation within two weeks of the 75-Hour Challenge.

Thank you for supporting our community through your participation in the Victoria Foundation’s 75-Hour Challenge!