Hotels and the Holiday Season

December 13th, 2016

sofa-bedEarlier this year I was thinking about Christmas and wondering whether this year we should invite people to stay with us, or go and visit friends and family who have invited us to spend the holiday season with them. Or even escape it altogether and fly off to somewhere hot and sunny.

Of course, once you open this door it is fraught with difficulties; who to stay with, how not to offend those who you decide against visiting, having to stay with people who have too many cats, or too few bathrooms, sleeping on sofa beds with the special iron bar feature. And if people visit us, where do we put them? One of our spare bedrooms is an office, the other a gym – so do we sleep on the floor (or the treadmill) and let them have our bed? That doesn’t sound like a fun way to spend the Yuletide season. Come to think of it ‘You’ll be tired’ – is that stretching a pun far too far or what?

To me, staying at someone else’s’ house over Christmas is not very appealing, unless of course they have a guest suite that’s at least as comfortable as the ones in any of the Accents Inns across B.C. of course.11-the-morning-coffee

But then having people descend on my house also gives me the willies – it makes me think of the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation starring Chevy Chase, where his hillbilly family arrives unexpectedly for Christmas and chaos ensues. If you haven’t seen it you really must, it’s almost unbearable but very funny.

That’s when I remembered the “We Get it at Accent Inns” videos from last year, so I re-watched them on You Tube – one suggested that if you have family descending on you let them stay in your house, while you relax in an Accent Inns suite; the other reversed the situation and suggested you give an Accent Inns gift card so they can stay in an Accent Inns suite and you can wander around in your underwear. If you want to check out these two fun short videos go to and

gift-card-close-upI know I’d definitely prefer a nice Accent Inns suite than staying with any or my relatives – or at least most of them (not you Aunty Matilda, or you Uncle Bob!).

I think I might just stock up on a few Accent Inns Gift Cards, just in case. “Sorry Uncle Pat but we got rid of our spare bed, but here you go have a few nights of luxury at our local Accent Inns on us and we’ll see you every day.” There you go, a guaranteed peaceful holiday season!

Mike Wicks