Where were you when the Canadians Won Gold?

March 1st, 2010

All of us at Accent Inns are  so excited and proud of all of our Canadian Athletes whether they won a medal or not.

As an avid hockey fan my question to you  our viewers….where were you when the Canadians Women or Men’s hockey team won Gold?

I was at home for both games and my poor wife and daughter had to put up with my loud Cheers and Jeers throughout the games ( especially at a certain 25 seconds before the end of regualtion play…).

Apparently I yelled so loud when we won that I scared the Dog and the Guinea pig both…

After the Men’s team won gold it was so cool to see people on our street running out of their houses shouting and yelling and waving Canadian Flags.  I know it’s just a game but I can honestly say I felt such a level of pride being a Canadian at that moment. Congrats to Vancouver and Whistler and everyone who put together one great event in Vancouver 2010!

John Espley, Business Development Manager, Accent Inns.