Canadian Women’s Ride Day

July 7th, 2015

womens ride dayAccent Inns is proud to sponsor this wonderful event, which is happening July 19 near Victoria BC. This wonderful group of women, who share of love of riding motorcycles, will be riding in support of various local charities such as the Cowichan Women Against Violence and the Victoria Women in Need Society. Last year they raised $5000 that was split between these 2 local charities.

The event was original started by Westcoast Roar in Mill Bay in 2013 but the volunteers involved are now spreading the word across Canada! There are countless women’s charities that need support and on July 19 will see these motorcycle enthusiasts doing just that.
Sunday July 19 registration will begin 9am at the Country Grocer parking lot in Cobble Hill.
$25 registration fee which includes a T-shirt, lunch, ride – Kickstands up at 10:30am. Come enjoy live music, raffle, silent auction & lunch.

Check online for details at

Accent Inns, your Motorcycle Friendly hotels across BC are proud to support this wonderful event.