3rd Annual Fishing Buddies Program Attracts New Anglers

April 27th, 2012

Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC

The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC (FFSBC) is again recruiting experienced anglers to reveal the pleasures of freshwater fishing to friends, family and colleagues during the third annual Fishing Buddies Sweepstakes. Designed to introduce new anglers to sport fishing, Fishing Buddies also rewards anglers for doing what they love and sharing their fishing knowledge. Participation has grown consistently since the program launched in 2010 and significant growth in participation is expected for the third year.

“When it comes to introducing someone new to fishing, who better than experienced anglers who are passionate about it? They can speak directly to the pleasures of going fishing whether it’s half a day at an urban location or a fishing weekend at a more remote lake,” says FFSBC President Don Peterson. “They know the fish and the fishing spots and can help unravel the mysteries of freshwater fishing for the new angler.”

New this year, FFSBC is holding the Fishing Buddies Secret Lake Sweepstakes. Visitors to GoFishBC.com enter the contest by watching a video, which contains a clue to the identity of a secret lake. Contestants enter the identity of the secret lake at GoFishBC.com for a chance to win. Anglers who sign up to be a Fishing Buddy and enter the sweepstakes between April 26th, 2012 and midnight on July 29th, 2012 will be entered to win one of three fishing adventures: a guided Kamloops fishing trip with Brian Chan with a two night stay at the Kamloops Accent Inns,  a guided fishing trip on the Fraser River with the BC Sport Fishing Group and two nights stay at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa, or a guided fishing trip on Vancouver Island with Island Outfitters and a one night stay at the Islander Rental Cabins. Full prize details are available at GoFishBC.com.

“Offering guided fishing trips is our way of thanking our Fishing Buddies for sharing their time and expertise with others,” says Peterson.

To support anglers at all levels of experience and expertise, the Freshwater Fisheries Society has launched an enhanced GoFishBC.com website, which features an expanded Where to Fish section, easy to use current and historical Fish Stocking Reports and a detailed How to Fish section, including videos, articles and details about programs offered by FFSBC. The site also features easier e-licensing where anglers may purchase a new licence.

In the first year the Fishing Buddies program attracted almost 900 participants who shared their passion for the sport with 4-5 individuals. In the second year the Fishing Buddies Program grew to 30,000 participants, exceeding FFSBC goals and boosting the number of anglers regularly enjoying the sport. FFSBC expects to see the program grow by over 10,000 recruits, to 40,000 Fishing Buddies this year.

The FFSBC is a not-for-profit organization funded directly by anglers through freshwater fishing licence revenues. It provides stocking programs that support 50 per cent of all freshwater sports fishing in B.C. lakes, conservation fish culture services for sturgeon recovery efforts and programs to enhance access to fishing for all British Columbians.

Through these programs, the FFSBC is working to ensure BC has the best freshwater fishing in North America. A 2009 economic analysis found that freshwater fishing in B.C. generates $480 million in economic activity, supports more than 1,000 businesses and creates 7,500 jobs.

Our Vision: The Best Freshwater Fisheries in North America

For more information visit the FFSBC’s website at www.gofishbc.com.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Accent Inns  *  BC Sport Fishing Group  *  Brian Chan  *  Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa
Island Outfitters  *  Ralph Shaw  *  Sea-Run Fly and Tackle


For more information please contact:

Margot Briggs  Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC
250-414-4207    Cell 250-893-4207